A meeting was held, opening the way to Korea

2022-11-02 16:52:20 240

    On October 31 and November 1, a team led by the director of the Korean consulting firm "I TOP EDU" Kim Mekton visited Osh State University to meet with students and inform them about educational and employment opportunities in Korea.

    It was noted at the meeting that the company has branches in Vietnam, Hong Kong, Myanmar, agreements with a number of high-ranking educational institutions in South Korea, and the company will assist in establishing cooperation between them and OshSU. In general, it was noted that there are two ways to send students to Korean educational institutions:

1) Academic mobility.

2) On the basis of co-education and dual degree programs established between educational institutions.

    Mr. Javakhir, an employee of the company, provides information about the best universities in Korea (about 20), their cities, specialties, budgets, tuition fees, requirements for applicants, etc. made a presentation about the universities of Catholic, Dongwon, Baekseok, etc. Educational institutions have announced that they will provide 10 academic mobility places for Kyrgyz partners. He added that most educational institutions accept schoolchildren and students for tuition free of charge and give benefits for contractual payment, conditions for studying and working at the same time have been created. He also noted that there are 6-month preparatory language courses.

    At the end of the event, the students received answers to their questions.