Information about Kyrgyzstan

                                      General information of Kyrgyzstan

Location of Kyrgyzstan: Kyrgyzstan is located in Central Asia, bordered by Kazakhstan to the north, Uzbekistan to the west, Tajikistan to the southwest, and China to the southeast. Most of the country is occupied by mountains, and most of the central part of Kyrgyzstan is occupied by the Tien Shan Mountains.

Coordinates: Latitude, longitude: 42.87, 74.59. Altitude: 767 meters.

Place in the world by area: The country occupies the 85th place in the world (199,951 km2), the 7th place among the CIS countries. The country ranks 110th in the world in terms of population.

Population: 6,523,529. (January 1, 2020)

Population density: the total area of Kyrgyzstan is 199,950 square kilometers. The total area refers to the land area and the area of all the water surfaces of a State within international borders.

Population composition: As of the beginning of 2018, the Kyrgyz ethnic group makes up the majority of the population (73.3 %). The following are Uzbeks (14.7 %), Russians (5.6 %), Dungans (1.1 %), Uyghurs (0.9 %), Tajiks (0.9 %) and others

Administrative division: Administratively, the territory of Kyrgyzstan is divided into 7 regions: Batken region, Jalal-Abad region, Issyk-Kul region, Naryn region, Osh region, Talas region, Chui region.

Capital of Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek

Language: Krgyz is the state language, Russian is the international language.

Religion: Islam

Time: GMT-6 hours

Electricity: 3,892 MW, including 862 MW-the capacity of thermal power plants, 3,030 MW-hydroelectric power plants.

Internet zone: KG

International telephone code of Kyrgyzstan: +996

Currency unit ( national currency): som ( kgs )

Climate of Kyrgyzstan: The climate of Kyrgyzstan is determined by its geographical location. The main part of the country is located in the temperate climate zone with a continental climate type, and only the southern part belongs to the subtropical zone with a continental climate type. Since the territory of Kyrgyzstan is mountainous, high-altitude climate zones are distinguished on the territory.

Relief of Kyrgyzstan: Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country. Almost all of its territory lies above 500 m. Approximately 90% of the territory of the republic lies above 1500 m above sea level, and about a third-at altitudes of more than 3000 m. The average height of the territory is 2,750 m, which is higher than the maximum heights of the Carpathians, the Urals, the Crimean Mountains, and the Khibiny Mountains.

Highest point: The highest peak - Victory Peak-reaches 7439 m.